
We provide a variety of services for all of your washing needs. Use WashCards or pay with your smart phone at any service!

Park Ave WashCards

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Since 2003

We’ve been providing Car Wash services in Des Moines, IA since 2003. We have Touchless & Soft Touch Automatic Bays, 3 Self Serve Bays, 6 Vacuum Islands that also include Shampoo and Fragrance options.

Park Avenue Car Wash is environmentally friendly.

Did you know the average car wash done at home uses more than 100 gallons of water? This water and all of the soaps, detergents and other chemicals from your car then runs off into storm drains contaminating our lakes and ponds.


At Park Avenue Car Wash, we use an average of 40 gallons per wash and the water is filtered, recycled and sent to the Des Moines water treatment facility. So by washing your car at our facility, you’re not only saving time, money and getting a better wash, your being more conscious of the environment.