Park Avenue Car Wash now proudly offers WashCards Buy them Online or On-Site!
The Convenience and Savings of WashCard.
Here's How a WashCard Can Work for You!
Park Avenue Car Wash features the WashCard system. Enjoy the speed and convenience of WashCard. Don't worry about having the correct change. Buy a pre-paid WashCard and save 15% each wash.
It's easy, fast, and convenient.
It couldn't be any easier!
Receive a 15-20% discount when you purchase or recharge a WashCard. It's quick, it's convenient and it's easy!
If you already have a WashCard, you will be granted access to your very own WashCard Account Manager. Once inside this secure area, you can check your balance, add value to your WashCard account and even review your account history.
The online Account Manager is perfect for managing large Fleet Customers or for Families who have more than one card. There is no limit to the number of cards you can have!
With WashCard Online, a detailed invoice is sent to your Email address, allowing you to view the date and time of each wash within that billing period. You can even track wash activity online by logging into your secure account.